Black Catholic Theological Symposium
Save the Date - Hope or Horror?...October 2, 2024Black Catholic Theological Symposium
a national interdisciplinary theological society of the Roman Catholic tradition
was established to:
01 | Publish
Publish reports, the Symposium’s discussions, and research of Symposium membership;
02 | To encourage
To encourage the teaching and discussion of Black Catholic religious and cultural experiences and thought within the theology and/or religious studies curriculum of colleges, universities, and seminaries;
03 | To encourage
To encourage the identification and development of Black Catholic Scholars in the fields of Theology, Liturgy, Ethics, Canon Law, Church History, Biblical studies etc;
04 | To enable
To enable the identification and development of theoretically grounded practitioners in the fields of pastoral ministry and religious education; and
05 | To encourage
To encourage theologically and theoretically grounded ministry and program development responsive to the needs of Black Catholics within the Church and society.
2023 BCTS Leadership
Dr. Kimberly Lymore
Dr. Timone Davis
Associate Convener
Dr. Nathaniel Samuel
Dr. Kim Harris
Dr. Maurice Nutt
Past Convener
The Black Catholic Theological Symposium was initiated in 1978 by Rev. Thaddeus Posey, O.F.M.
Our mission is to foster among Black Catholics an ethical community of scholarly dialogue...
New members shall be invited by the Executive committee to participate in one of three levels...